Amidst all the chaos and troubles, George was asked how he kept up good spirits. We can't continue to rebuild the wall." Be alert and of sober mind. 4. The prefix dis- means "the opposite of." So dis couragement is the opposite of courage. When hardship become a way of life, it is easy to become discouraged. At times we are immediately discouraged and other times it creeps up on us unexpectedly. Message Action Plan Message Action Plan Defeating Discouragement with Rick Warren Watch on X. Take Ownership of our Life. John W. Yates, II [ Read More ] Dealing With Discouragement Or get 30 FREE now! It is an awful feeling it feels like the wind has been knocked out of your soul. Welcome to Terror: Hell's Tactics, Part 2. by Rob Chaffart | Apr 22, 2020 | Discouragement, Hell's Tactics, Pride. 2. Neh 4:1. We are simply tired and worn out from working too long and too hard without a break. In the daily disappointments that threaten to consume your emotional resources and deflect your attention away from the Lord, you have real hope and a real choice for joy and abundant living in Christ. Paralyzed in unbelief from the neck down, our eyes see and our minds know what we ought to believe, but the faith of our hearts lies frozen. Answer The word discouragement comes from the root word courage. 2) This is discouraging because we think we don't have control over our own lives. It brings a dark cloud over our lives where we begin to think with a woe is me attitude. Even the most blessed people, the most successful, the most spiritually mature, face constant disappointment and discouragement. 1) When we point the finger somewhere else, we take ourselves out of control. You work hard, but you don't make progress. Because he was vocal about those convictions, he was burned at the stake in Norwich, England, in 1531. A discouraged spirit is a powerless spirit. You spend time with your child - going out of your way to parent the best you know how - but she rebells. SERMONS ON ENCOURAGEMENT Our sermon ideas on Encouragement will help you preach a powerful message. THE DANGER OF DISCOURAGEMENT. I. Beloved, it is vital that we overcome discouragement. One of the best ways to overcome discouragement is to simply do something else. It was a letter written by .read more Tags: Forgiveness General And let that something be doing God's work. Life is full of discouraging circumstances. If the enemy can get you focus more on your problems than on God, that he has won a great victory. Discouragement leads to negative thinking. 1Sam 30:1-6. 1. I'm sometimes inclined to want to scratch beneath the surface to see if that person is in touch with reality. I heard someone say a long time ago that dreading is worse than doing. Tired and frustrated, he opened his Bible and began to leaf through it. Many things can cause us to be discouraged. Discouragement comes most often when you do right things but experience poor results. We lose control. The bottom line is: Discouragement disrupts God's work, encouragement erupts it. You never have to be the victim of your feelings. Suddenly, an angel touched him. Discouragement is a part of living. SEVENFOLD PRESCRIPTION FOR DISCOURAGEMENT AND DEPRESSION 1. WHY DO WE SAY HE WAS A GREAT MAN OF GOD? Sermon Illustrations provides sermon illustrations, sermons, eulogies, funeral helps, and counseling aids for ministers. His story is not uncommon. Scripture provides reassurance for those . 1. Your defenses are lowered and things can seem bleaker than they really are. Discouragement is loosing the desire and motivation to continue doing something that brings purpose and satisfaction to one's life. Following the categorizing of several types of depressive conditions . As we apply this to the Christian life and the church it simply means that one has lost the desire and motivation that they possessed win they first gave their heart life to God. I. Discouragement often feels circumstantially determined, something we can't help feeling because powerful forces beyond our control are causing it. Conclusion. But David was a great man of God. One of the the greatest leaders and motivators of all time taught us how to battle discouragement. Discouragement is largely and generally a deceiver. When this happens discouragement simply becomes sinful indulgence in unbelief, no different than indulging in lust or anger or other sins of unbelief. The Bible has a lot to say about it, and in this message Pastor Rick will talk about how to rethink the things that discourage you. Third, the best solution to discouragement is to get to work. We need to RECEIVE the cure for discouragement Discouragement is still the Devil's tool. Satan tries to discourage people in their financeseven if you tithe! In the early part of the sixteenth century a man by the name of Thomas Bilney became convinced of the need for the Bible in the lives of believers. ENCOURAGEMENT SERMON OUTLINES The Word of Encouragement (4 of 5) 10. DISCOURAGEMENT. Prayer - We can conquer discouragement through prayer. You can't take action against a negative feeling until you first admit you have it. Discouragement can occur in the Christian life, especially when there is resistance to the gospel or in instances of personal failure. Not many people realize he's using it on us, and he's using it on some of us today. Or your children, even tho' you bring them up in church. . Circumstances do not control you; Jesus does. SUN 01/15/2012. That's why our response to discouragement is often passive we sit, weighed down with a heavy spiritual listlessness looking at the world through the grey, bleak lenses of fear. Former heavy-weight boxer James (Quick) Tillis is a cowboy from Oklahoma who fought out of Chicago in the early 1980s. B. Page 1 | Found: 1,567 sermons . When we feel discouraged we want comfort, which is right to feel. All Sermons $5.99 each. The need to fight discouragement, especially when its the "burden bearers," who are in trouble. But the Hebrew here is even more interesting. Join Now: 1-800-777-7731. . DISCUSSION: We overcome discouragement when we . Ephesians 4:27 and do not give the devil an opportunity to work. OVERCOMING DISCOURAGEMENT Then the people of Judah said, "The work crews are worn out, and there is too much rubble. showing first 500: SORT. Discouragement can be debilitating. Discouragement - Its Causes, Effects and Cure 11. They enlist in a heat of passion, and sometime later reality begins to set in. And it is at this critical point that the enemy of our souls has us exactly where he wants us. The giant of discouragement can be overcome through intercessory prayer (14:13-19). 4:6, 7). Emmanuel Baptist Church : Play. And a subtle mistrust of God sets in. Sermon illustrations Discouragment A Change of Nuisance While serving as British Prime Minister, Lloyd George had to deal with World War I, an economic depression, and the Sinn Fein movement attempting to effect Irish liberation, as well as many other smaller problems. 3. If we allow our discouragement to stop us from doing the work that God has set before us to do, then we have allowed dread and discouragement to overcome our actions. Sermon on Discouragement INTRODUCTION: A. When he lies, he speaks his native language . We must learn to take our causes of discouragement to the Lord in prayer. This sermon looks at what can stimulate our discouragement and how God deals with his discouraged child. Dis-couraged Last week we preached on Handling dirty laundry. When we are discouraged, we have lost the motivation to press forward. Rm 14:23, Job 14:7-9 2: Take our courage from God. This often occurs when you're halfway through a major project and you get tired. VICTORY OVER DISCOURAGEMENT 1: Discouragement is not a sin, but remaining in the state of discouragement is a sin. 3. Young William Wilberforce was discouraged one night in the early 1790s after another defeat in his ten-year battle against the slave trade. Discouragement exchanges faith for fear. God offered to destroy the entire nation and make a new nation through Moses' descendants (14:11-12). Discouragement is when our courage goes down. The mountain seems too steep, the valley too dark, or the battle too fierce, and we lose the courage to continue. We kneel in discouragement and arise full of power and optimism. I'm sure that is how the man possessed by an evil spirit felt when he met Jesus. The children of Israel began to criticize God. Discouragement gives way to criticism. A. We may feel dismayed, overwhelmed, or frightened by the situations in life that we face. Joseph endured many unfair and rough moments (Genesis 37-40 ). William Hughes . Face your problems relying on God. When we are discouraged, we become critical of God and his servants too. Discouragement is something that the devil can use to cripple us in our faith and service to God. It can cause you to give up trying, give up hoping, and give up caring. He was suffering: From the accusation of his men Because his life was being threatened The loss of his family I doubt if very many of us have ever suffered the way he was suffering. 4-8). The first two reasons for their discouragement, which are both mentioned in verse 10, go together. A small piece of paper fell out and fluttered to the floor. Overcoming Discouragement Life is hard. Or perhaps a bodily illness inclines us toward depression and discouragement. The Curse of discouragementit's the devil's #1 tool he uses to try to get you out of the game! Discouragement can cause fear, anxiety, confusion and sadness. Discouragement can be the greatest factor in losing the battle - whatever that battle is - or might be. You show up to practice every day, giving it your all, but you lose every game. (Phil. " Then he lay down and slept under the broom tree. It does you no good to pretend you don't feel what you feel. 2) Frustration Such is the great value of intercessory prayer. It is the opposite of feeling inspired and encouraged. If you experience discouragement from time to time, you are not alone. This is a special hazard of pastors. Many are eager to volunteer for battle, but few are prepared to endure military life without complaint 1. 1 Peter 5:7-8 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. It destroys our vibrance for life and ministry. When we are discouraged, it seems that we don't want to do anything but just lock up ourselves in our room, sleep all day, and sulk in self-pity. Discouragement 2 sermons | Liberty Baptist Church Discouragement 3 sermons | Gateway Church. Yes, prayer will help us overcome discouragement. Sermon: Overcoming Discouragement and Depression Practical Applications #572 Martin G. Collins Given 17-Aug-02; 73 minutes listen: download: description: Even loyal servants of God, the stalwart pioneers of faith, have had to contend with major depression and discouragement.